Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Men in Black III

The third film and second sequel in the Men in Black franchise. Recently released in the summer of 2012, it is directed by Barry Sonnefeld and once again led by the dynamic duo Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. I watched this one in theatres in Sao Paulo. Its nice to see the audience here are just as receptive to all the humour and nuances in this film as I was. Though its not surprising since this is a mass appeal film. Its got Will Smith! How much more universal can you get?


Since this is a recently released film, I won't be too free with the spoilers.
Boris the Animal a rather unpleasant biker dude with vagina dentata on his hand escapes from the high security prison built for him on the Moon. He's out to seek revenge against Agent K who shot his arm off and put him there. His plan is to go back to 1969, the day K shot him, and kill K before he can complete his plan. Apparently K also single-handedly wiped out Boris's entire evil alien race that was bent on destroying Earth by launching a defense system called "Skynet". After Agent K is mysteriously erased from present time, Agent J goes back in time to change it back again and save K's life. In the process he meets a younger K and they get up to shenanigans, namely nearly disrupt the Apollo 11 launch. Oh and the Earth is going to be destroyed in under 24 hours if J doesn't save K.

Now that I look at freeze-frame, that gaping hole is a bit disturbing
I wonder how he faps.


No comparison to the first since its original and set up the movieverse. I do think this is more enjoyable than the second film, which walked a fine line between low-brow funny and plain annoying. Upon rewatching it recently I decided the combination of the man with a floaty sock puppet second head, the annoying worm aliens and the talking pug just gets to be too much. Not to mention the romantic subplot was cheesy and unbelievable as hell.

They realized their mistake this time, skipped the romantic subplot and stuck to the bromantic mainplot. Smart move. Although the set-up of their sudden relationship angst is obvious and a bit forced, as was the final over-poignant 'twist', its still effective in introducing the main emotional conflict, making this MIB more than just plain save-the-world-from-aliens action movie.

There are some really amusing scenes and the overall comedic value is high. I like how they tapered the obnoxious funky aliens down to a minimum. The obligatory funky alien in this one is a wise multi-dimensional crazy but mild-mannered hobo. Funky? Yes. Annoying? No. Good job writers.

Also I approve of the younger Agent K. He's pretty good, pretty convincing.

Notable Scenes:

"No, I just have you."

Aww, that's some touching bromance they got going on.


This scene made me laugh the hardest. Oh Will, you've still got it.


Watch MIB III if you liked the any of the first two, or if you like Will Smith and his brand of humour.

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